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Since opening, in 1999, event and booking & touring agency Booking Stars Ltd. became one of the first online services, dealing with booking of celebrities and famous artists.

Since the very beginning our mission was to provide the best experience in celebrity booking or hiring entertainment acts.

During last 23 years, Booking Stars Ltd. has been growing constantly - now we are one of the few professional booking agencies, that have direct access to world-wide known celebrities and artists.

We organize public and private events of various scale all around the globe.

During past years we have organized 3000 public and corporate entertainment events featuring famous celebrities and artists.

Our agents coordinate the whole process of event organization. Starting from celebrity booking, coordination and logistics, and all the way to the performance at the venue.

As soon as you inquiry will be received, our agent will respond within next few hours by phone or via email. We will provide all the needed info, such as artist’s availability, estimated budget and the general terms of hospitality rider and technical rider.

Besides that, we organize transfers, hotels, music and light equipment, and whatever else is required for celebrity performance or event organization.
If needed, our agents may arrive in advance in order to manage event preparation process.